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The Importance Of Testing Your Fire Alarm System

The Importance of Testing Your Fire Alarm System - Fraker Fire

Everyone knows the importance of their fire alarm system. It will keep you safe in the event of a fire, by going off when they sense smoke. You want to ensure that they will always be working in the event of a fire, and that means checking it.

Read further to learn about the importance of testing your fire alarm system, how often you should be checking it, and how to do it properly.


The Importance of Checking Your Fire Alarm System

It’s hard to state just how important it is that you check your alarms regularly. If a fire were to occur in your home, that alarm will be the first line of defense. If you hear the alarm go off, then you get out as quickly as possible, keeping everyone safe.

If the alarm isn’t working, you may not know there’s a fire before it’s too late. Ensuring it’s working will keep you safe, and reduce the impact of any fire damage in your home.


The Difference Between Fire Alarms

Firstly, you need to understand the difference between fire alarms, and see which one you have in your home. The main difference is that some alarms operate by batteries, while others operate by electricity from the mains. You need to know which one you have in your home, before you can go ahead and inspect it.

If the alarm was installed recently, you may know this off the top of your head. If you don’t, it could be that you have the manual still, and so you can check. If you still don’t know, take a look at your fire alarm. Most models can be removed from their mountings, either by screwing them or simply lifting them away.

Take a look at the back of the system. If it’s attached to the wall by wires, then you can see it’s a mains operated alarm. If it isn’t, then it’s going to be a battery operated alarm. Now you know the difference, you can start inspecting it regularly.


When Should You Inspect Your Fire Alarm?

The next question is when should you inspect the alarm? It’s important that you keep an eye on it, as if it’s not working and a fire breaks out, it could mean you’re in danger. It’s important that you do inspect it regularly, to ensure that it’s still working.

Most common wisdom states that you should check your alarm every month, and replace batteries every six months. This will ensure that your alarm is always in working condition. If your alarm is giving out false beeps or beeping when there’s no smoke, that’s also a sign that you need to check it.


The Importance of Testing Your Fire Alarm System - Fraker Fire


How to Check Your Fire Alarm System

Now you know when to check your alarm, you’ll need to know how to check it. Firstly, take a look to see if the sensor lights are showing. Depending on your model, the lights will be on to show that it’s working. Take a look at your manual to see if this is the case.

Next, you need to test the alarm. Most models will have a button that you can push to see if the alarm goes off. Push yours, using a broom handle if it’s too far out of reach. If the alarm doesn’t go off, change the batteries in the alarm. If this doesn’t resolve the issue, you’ll need to replace the alarm with a new one as soon as possible.

You’ll also need to get up close to the alarm to check the batteries for corrosion. If they look to be corroded in any way, replace them immediately.

Finally, ensure that you clean off your alarm as you’re inspecting it.  Dust and cobwebs can interfere with the sensors on your alarm, so it’s important that you clean it off when you’re doing your inspection. A soft cloth or brush is enough for this job, as chemicals will interfere with the sensors.


Other Ways to Protect Your Home From Fires

Inspecting your fire alarm system is one very good way of protecting your home from a fire, should one break out. There are lots of other ways you can protect your home, too.

Here are just a few that you should be aware of:

Have an Evacuation Plan

If you hear the fire alarm, what are you going to do? In most cases, it’s best to get out of the house and call for the fire service. Have a plan with your family as to how you’ll get out. Make sure you have a plan for where you’ll meet up too, once you are out of the home.

Buy a Fire Blanket

Kitchen fires are scary but can be handled quickly if you have the right equipment. Most kitchen fires can’t be put out with water, but a fire blanket will smother them quickly. But a fire blanket and have it somewhere in your kitchen, in easy reach should you ever need it.

Practice Candle Safety

Candles are wonderful as they give any room a warm ambiance, as well as an amazing fragrance. When using candles though, be aware that they are a fire risk. Only ever use a candle if you’re in the room with it. Blow it out if you’re leaving the room, or the house. Don’t ever place a candle near something flammable, such as soft furnishings.

Be Careful With Electronics

Electronics are another home staple that can be a fire hazard. If you use extension leads, use them sparingly to avoid overloading them and causing fires. Look out for frayed wires, and ensure that all electrical items can get good airflow.


Bottom Line

Your fire alarm is the most important line of defense against fire in your home. When you check it regularly, you’re ensuring that it’s always going to be working in the event of a fire. Check it and change the batteries regularly, to ensure that your home is safe. If you keep on top of this job, you’ll never have to worry about the alarm again.


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