What Is An LAFD Notice Of Violation?
Posted On: December 24th, 2019In Los Angeles, your building needs to be inspected in order to check if it is working to the LAFD fire codes. Your job is to ensure that you keep your building safe for everybody inside. When you have an inspection and are given a notice of violation, what does that mean? What do you have to do if you get one? Here’s what you need to know.
The Importance of Inspections
Typically, you should expect a LAFD inspection every three years. This will check your building carefully, to ensure that the building is safe in the event of fire. If your building is up to code, then you won’t have anything to worry about. If it isn’t though, then the inspection will identify the problems and then give that list to you, in order to correct them.
These inspections are vital for the safety of the building and anyone who uses it. They will pick up on any issues they come across, meaning that the building is safe even if a fire does break out. If you keep up with fire codes and make efforts to make your building safe, then you won’t have any problems. If you don’t though, these inspections ensure that the problems will be corrected in due course.
What is a Notice of Violation NOV?
If your building has been inspected and been found to fall short of expected standards, then you will be given a Notice Of Violation. This is notice that the building is not up to current fire codes, and that something will need to be done about it. You’ll be given 30 days to correct the problem. After that, you will be reinspected to ensure you have done so.
When you get a notice of violation, be sure you read it carefully. It will cite what was considered wrong with your property. This will inform you of what you need to correct before you are inspected again. Ensure you do this, to avoid further fines and legal action.
Common Issues Leading to a Notice of Violation
So, why have you received a notice of violation? There are several reasons why this could have happen. They include:
- Insufficient illumination: In the event of a fire, you’ll find it’s difficult to find your way around. Even if you know the building like the back of your hand, once the smoke comes in it’s easy to get turned around. If your exit signs aren’t illuminated and aren’t situated where they can be seen, that’s a violation.
- Blocked exits: There are so many business owners who block fire exits without even thinking about it. They load boxes in front of them, lock doors, and park vehicles outside them, blocking them. If there’s a fire, then people won’t be able to get out. This is a serious violation and needs to be addressed right away.
- Empty/missing fire extinguishers: If a fire extinguisher has been used, it needs to be replaced ASAP. Many people find themselves in violation of fire codes because the empty one is still in the same spot, or the extinguisher is missing entirely.
- Fire doors left open: Fire doors are designed to close shut whenever they’re used. Sometimes they’re annoying when you’re coming in and out of the door, and so you wedge it open. This is a huge mistake. If a fire breaks out, then that door is no longer able to hold off the flames behind it. The door needs to be kept shut at all times.
- Non functioning smoke alarms: This is another common violation. Smoke alarms aren’t tested, and so they run out of batteries and don’t work. If a fire were to break out, then you may not know until its too late. It’s hard to emphasize just how important it is to check the smoke alarm every month.
- Non functioning fire alarms: In the same vein, fire alarms need to be inspected yearly, too. If there’s any issues with it, it needs to be fixed as quickly as possible. If a fire breaks out, you need to be able to raise the alarm as soon as you can. If the system is broken, this could spell danger for anyone in the building.
- Excessive extension cables: Many buildings fail their inspections as they rely too heavily on extension cables. If they are plugged into each other, or run through walls, that’s a serious fire hazard. If you’re finding you’re needing more outlets, you’ll need to have them installed in order to meet your needs.
How to Avoid Getting a Notice of Violation
You obviously don’t want to get a notice of violation, so what do you do? Here’s how to ensure you’re building is safe and up to code.
- Test your smoke alarm: This is something that only takes minutes to do, but it so important. Most modern smoke alarms have a test button on them. Every month, press the button and see if it goes off. If not, that’s a sign that the batteries have run out. The batteries should be changed twice a year to ensure this doesn’t happen. Do it when the clocks change, so you don’t forget.
- Unblock fire exits: This is another vital step. If things are being stored in fire exits, find another home for them. Keep the exits clear, so people can get to them in the event of a fire. If people have a tendency to park across the exits, mark them as fire exits and make it clear they’re not to be parked in. Finally, ensure the doors aren’t locked shut, so you can get out in an emergency.
- Follow fire code: Finally, follow the fire code to see where you can improve your building’s safety. Follow the rules and there shouldn’t be any problems.
There are lots of reasons why you may have a notice of violation from the LAFD, but you can correct it. Use the notice as a guide of what to correct, and you’ll be up to code again.
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